ATTN: Coaches, Trainers and Creators


Using “Tribal Psychology” to rally strangers into a fiercely loyal group of customers who pay more*, pay more often* and brag to be a part of your brand.

  Click the play button to watch the video below and make sure to turn up your volume

Make more money in less time by turning your content into a Tribe Brand 

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  • Backed by our 365 day money back guarantee. You'll love the book or we'll give you your money back AND let you keep your copy just for trying it.
Your customers have evolved and they won’t be bought through Facebook ads or “clever” marketing funnels anymore. So… 

Putting money into the Zuck Machine is like setting your cash on fire.

But we’ll show you a better way.

Hi. Funk Roberts here with “the twins” Mike and Rick Tielemans.

We’ve seen this moment coming down the pipeline for a loooonnng time. And it’s finally here.

The Great Collapse Of Internet Marketing

Building funnels. Running ads. Testing expensive sales pages. Hosting hour long webinars. It’s all run its course. Especially for regular ol people like us who don’t have steep enough pockets to compete with the billion dollar brands.

But here’s the silver lining…

Even though most people are turned-off by today’s marketing tricks… there’s still a way to turn them on to what you’re selling - and you won’t come across as desperate or “scammy” either.

You see… 
Mike and Rick are experts in human psychology.

They Used Psychology Secrets From Cults, Movements, And Cult Brands To Help Build 7-Figure Empires… Without Scammy Online Marketing...

But first let me explain how I discovered their methodology in the first place.

A few years ago, I had a huge email list, 500k followers, and tons of credibility with my background in Strength & Conditioning for fighters while creating a certification course as a Master Metabolic Trainer…

And I put a lot of my customers into a group called the Funk Roberts Fitness University

The problem was, the membership site was a horrific failure. While I was adding people into the membership, I couldn’t get any of them to stay.  

So, I started to focus on trying to cultivate a vibrant community to help with retention and connection.

The Problems Just Got Worse From There…

Does this sound familiar to you..
  • You are pouring your heart into your community but still seeing engagement as silent as a ghost town.
I've been there. Every ignored post and every member lost was a punch to my passion, a signal that my efforts weren't hitting the mark.
  • You've got content that could change lives, but it's gathering dust.
I've faced the daunting task of content creation, knowing the delicate dance between valuable insight and the dreaded 'salesy' vibe. It's a tightrope walk where one misstep could mean losing trust, the currency of our tribe.
  • And time? It's the resource we all need more of. Managing a thriving community can feel like juggling while blindfolded.
I've felt the burnout breathing down my neck, wrestling with the guilt that maybe I was neglecting other areas of my business-or even worse, myself.
  • Let's talk money without losing our soul. Monetization-necessary, yet so often it feels like a betrayal to the very people we aim to serve.
I've grappled with the fear of being seen as just another sales pitch in a world weary of them.

And in the end I getting daily notifications from people who quit, canceled, and disputed charges.

It Got So Bad That I Had To Shut Down The Funk Roberts Fitness University And Refund All The Money…

* Credit card disputes from upset customers who don’t want to pay *
It was a nightmare!

But Here's The Good News…The Changed Everything..

That’s when I reached out to Mike and Rick… 

And they said, “Funk, you’ve created a group… but not a TRIBE.”

I didn’t know the difference at the time…

But they laid out a set of “tribal secrets” that helped me understand why tapping into every person’s tribal psychology was the answer.

I Applied 27 Of Their Tribal Secrets…

* Customers bragging about paying for lifetime access and becoming an  'O40A LIFER' (new identity) *
Relaunched a new membership site specifically to men over 40, 50 and 60 called the Over 40 Alpha Brotherhood…

And all of a sudden, people wanted to join.

* The members actually engage in the community without me having to poke and prod.

* They buy lifetime access, and everything else we put into the shop.

* They provide us marketable results because they actually use the products.

* Members recruit friends and family to join them.

* They meet up offline.

* And even get tattoos with the Over 40 Alpha Brotherhood logo.

You See, Before Tribe Secrets, I Was Struggling With Just Over 800 Members And A 5-Figure A Year Business

Approximately One Year After Implementing The 27 Tribe Secrets I Generated Over 1 Million Dollars In Revenue And 12,000 New Members

The Over 40 Alpha Brotherhood Has Become A Full On Cult Brand… And A Multi-7-Figure Monster!

We even won an award for the membership site!

So I told the twins…

“Every CEO in the world needs to hear about these tribal secrets”…

Because when you implement them…

You can build a business that attracts the right customers who want to pay and stay in your tribe… and tell all of their friends to do the same.

You might be thinking…

“Wouldn’t This Tribal Secrets Method Run Its Course Just Like Everything Else?”

Because while the internet changes every day, there’s one thing that NEVER has…

The human BRAIN 🧠

If you can learn what makes buyers buy - or do anything really - you can use that knowledge to make yourself more marketable…

The best part…

You don’t have to “sell yourself”.

For people like us who just want to help people, we hate “pitching” ourselves.

You have something incredible to offer. But it always comes across as “salesy”. But…

That’s the beauty of these “tribal secrets”...

Once you learn them - they subconsciously attract buyers to your brand… build an unbreakable connection with them… and keep them engaged for life!

And they do it on their own!


Anyone can create impact, influence, and a lot more money by converting their brand into an identity-based Tribe!

The human brain is pre-programmed to be a part of a tribe

which is NOT the same as a “membership” or “community” like my friends Mike and Rick taught me.

Here’s what I mean…

Tribe vs. Communities & Movements: Why A Tribe Ensures Sustainable And Recurring Business Success

Why Communities Suck:

Communities are inclusive. While they thrive on COMMON attitudes and interests - communities don’t advocate for a single brand or product with sustained loyalty. They bounce from one thing to the next.

Why Movements Suck:

Movements aim at societal change. Once the objective is reached, the movement fades. While movements are important, it’s not the best route for businesses seeking longevity and recurring revenue.

Why Tribes Rock:

A tribe represents a deeper, more profound connection than communities and movements. Apple Inc. is a great example. Apple enthusiasts don’t just like the products. They believe in Apple’s philosophy, share a unique lingo, and evangelize the brand.
This is tribal behavior. A tribe's strength lies in shared values, goals, language, and a bond of trust…  

And these traits make tribes resilient against external pressures… which ensures a consistent and lasting customer base. Plus…

The tight bond in tribes guarantees loyalty, consistent referrals, and continued business growth.

It's Not Just About Buying A Product…
It's About Being Part Of Something Bigger

While communities provide a melting pot of ideas and movements drive societal progression, tribes ensure sustained business loyalty and success

In the volatile world of business, building a tribe isn’t just advisable; it’s NECESSARY.

Building a tribe might sound complicated…

But it doesn’t have to be…

Because Mike and Rick put together their tribal secrets into a new book that we want you to have today…

And when you put these 27 tribal secrets together you’ll become the ultimate Tribe Leader, create the ultimate tribe experience, and build the ultimate tribe business with loyal customers who never leave.


Tribe Secrets™

The 27 Psychological Strategies To Turn Your Business Into A Tribe Of Loyal Customers

Inside 27 Tribe Secrets we’re going to lay out… from step 1 to step 27exactly how to build your own tribe of loyal customers who…
  • Brag about belonging to your brand
  • Pay 20% MORE than “average” customers
  • ​Become walking billboards for your business
  • Tell more of their friends 📈

Here’s A Sneak Peek Of

What You’ll Discover Inside This PlayBook:

Part 1: Tribe Attraction

  • Page #21: The psychological “story hack” that’s as old as the Bible and has been used by Hollywood for decades to pull in customers by the “heart strings” and create an instant, unbreakable connection between you and them…
  • Page #23: The #1 BIGGEST mistake brands make when telling their story that turns off new customers (it doesn’t matter how awesome your company is… if you make this mistake you’ll never connect)...
  • Page #30: How to attract the RIGHT customers and repel the WRONG ones (as they say, one bad apple spoils the bunch… attracting the wrong customers will poison your tribe and cause you lots of headaches)...
  • Page #40: How to discover your target customers’ core beliefs and dominate your corner of the internet by tapping into their underlying emotions…
  • Page #48: How to create a brand mission that pulls in new customers like a magnet and keeps the members of your tribe motivated to use your products and services for life…
  • ​Page #53: Why every brand needs an “enemy”... and how to identify the right enemy for your tribe that’ll keep everyone locked arm-in-arm, fighting the good fight together…  
  • Page #73: How to promise your customers a “shortcut” to success (that actually delivers)… without being dishonest or sounding like a slimy marketer…
  • Page #87: The human mind is hardwired to understand symbols… and once you learn how to convey your message with iconic symbols instead of words you’ll evoke the exact emotions that keep your customers engaged and excited about your brand…

Part 2: Tribe Experience

  • Page #100: How to get happy customers who get results and give you the social proof you need to keep your front end marketing attractive to new buyers...
  • Page #103: Why it’s critical to create a “Triangle of Hope” in your business (and how to make one) that’ll get your customers to TAKE ACTION - whether that’s to pay or stay (or both!)...
  • Page #105: A stupid-simple way to keep your customers inspired so they never give up on their journeys, stay inside the tribe, and NEVER leave (even after they’ve reached their goals)…
  • Page #108: How to write a brand manifesto that keeps your tribe members as tight-knit as soldiers on a battlefield… (this satisfies peoples’ deep biological craving for “direction” and “purpose”)...
  • Page #118: Why you MUST indoctrinate your customers… (and when to start doing it so you hook them in and keep them excited about their new identity as a member of your tribe)...
  • ​Page #132: The right way to “bribe” your customers into getting results… (no - this isn’t about monetary incentives… it’s something so much better and way easier!)
  • Page #140: How to create a “hierarchy” within your tribe that taps into each person’s primal instinct to be the wolf at the top of the hill… (while inspiring every person to reach their max potential)...

Part 3: Tribe Bonding

  • Page #148: Why people are turning to brands to give them a sense of belonging (and how to fulfill this deep need within your tribe to keep customers for life)...
  • ​Page #159: How to establish “guardrails” inside your tribe to keep the conversations and content from going off the tracks, crashing, and burning! (We’ve seen this happen too many times and it can be an absolute disaster if you don’t have these “guardrails” in place)...
  • Page #164: Studies show customers are much more satisfied with a product that involves a unique ritual. (You’ll learn how to create one for your tribe that makes them feel deeply connected to your brand every single day)...
  • Page #174: How to use a psychological “mirror principle” to make customers feel connected to each other and the brand… even when they aren’t in the same room or following the same workouts…
  • ​Page #181: How to identify and use POWER WORDS to reinforce the beliefs, behaviors, and rituals inside your tribe…
  • Page #185: Why you need to create brand “gang signs” (and how to do it without being offensive)... shockingly, there’s tons of research behind how a simple hand gesture or “secret handshake” can skyrocket customer buying habits and tribalism!
  • Page #203: People HATE being sold… but they LOVE buying stuff! (You’ll learn how to walk this fine line to perfection so you never come across as “pushy” with new products or services… and instead, your people become automatic buyers)...
  • Page #209: The TRUE value of building a tribe business… and how it’ll transform the significance of your company, boost your impact, and skyrocket your revenue…

Claim Your Digital Copy Today…

For a limited time only, you can download your copy of
27 Tribe Secrets for a one-time payment of $7.95
  • Backed By Our 365 Day Money Back Guarantee

This is THE Way To Build Your Business Without Having To Create Something New Every Few Months…

Ads. Sales funnels. They don’t attract customers like they used to. And they certainly don't keep customers. People are sick of being sold to. But if you can entrench them in your tribe then you’ll never have a “feast or famine” month ever again.

The sooner you can create your tribe using the 27 Tribe Secrets… THE BETTER.

Because you’ll tap into the psychological power of tribalism before others in your niche start to catch on. New customers. Loyal tribe members. Revenue that goes up and up… and UP!

It doesn’t get any better than that. And all you have to do is download our book for less than a bucket of fried chicken wings.
  • Backed By Our 365-Day Money Back Guarantee
And don’t worry… building and running a tribe doesn’t have to be a lot of work.

It’s only a lot of work if you do it WRONG.

You don’t have to post new content in the group every day. You don’t have to create new energy-draining launches and challenges to keep your people engaged.

With 27 Tribe Secrets you’ll have a step-by-step, take-you-by-the-hand book that guarantees you’ll get it RIGHT.

Better yet…

You’ll learn how to build your tribe FAST.

Think of it like hitting a turbo-boost button. Because we’re going to lay out everything. Complete step 1. Then step 2. Then step 3. And so on. It’s as quick and simple as that.

You can’t lose. That’s a promise. Seriously…

What Are Others Saying About The Tribe Method?

Here’s Our Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

You either love 27 Tribe Secrets and use it to successfully build your tribe… or we’ll refund the $7.95 for the book.

Simply email us and we’ll give you back your money, no questions asked… and we’ll even let you keep everything included as our gift to you. No risk, all reward.

Don’t sit on your hands. This will transform your business or your money back.
  • Backed By Our 365 Day Money Back Guarantee

Claim Your Digital Copy Of Tribe Secrets Now and

Get These 5 FREE Bonuses!

Bonus #1: Exclusive Video: Tribe Architect Video Masterclass - The Multi-Million Dollar Membership Blueprint!

Unlock the vault to my entire Over 40 Alpha Brotherhood membership empire with this exclusive video masterclass! This is your golden ticket to a behind-the-scenes tour of a multi-million-dollar tribe brand – a chance to discover the secrets of successful membership and community building.

Power-Packed Bonus:

In this video, Funk will pull back the curtains and embark on a comprehensive journey where I dissect every inch of my Over 40 Alpha membership business. From captivating sales pages to engaging onboarding processes, daily emails, monthly phases while you witness the intricate workings of a thriving tribe.

Witness the Blueprint in Action!

Why read between the lines when you can have the blueprint laid out before you? This video masterclass isn't just an addition; it's a comprehensive, top-down view of how a real-world, successful membership business operates.

And it's YOURS, Absolutely FREE!

Step into my digital boardroom and start crafting your future success story. It’s time to elevate your membership model and turn your vision into a reality.

Get ready for a masterclass that will revolutionize the way you think about membership businesses!

Here's What This Blockbuster Bonus Includes:

  • Business Blueprint Revealed: Get an unprecedented video walkthrough of my full membership structure, including phase-by-phase strategies, our high-converting email marketing tactics, content creation, and Facebook group management.
  • Strategic Breakdown:
    I’ll decode the reasoning behind every move, offering you the logic and insights behind my most successful decisions.
  • Exclusive Access:
    Step into the engine room of our operations, previously unseen by the public. You'll see the exact systems that have scaled our brand.
  • Transparent Teachings:
    No more guesswork. Gain clarity with my detailed explanations and see how each component contributes to a cohesive and profitable whole.

Bonus #2: Exclusive Checklist: Ultimate Tribe Builder's Checklist - Your Success Map Unfolded!

When you secure your copy of "Tribe Secrets," you also gain an indispensable ally - a step-by-step checklist that's your compass to constructing a thriving tribe, perfectly complementing our book and training.

Indispensable Bonus:

Navigate the creation of your tribe with a meticulously crafted checklist that ensures you miss not a single step in your journey towards a robust tribe.
Don't Just Read, Implement with Confidence!

This checklist is not merely a tool; it’s your roadmap to building a successful and enduring tribe. With clarity and focus, watch as you bring the principles of "Tribe Secrets" to life, one checked box at a time.

And it's YOURS, Absolutely FREE!

Grab this checklist and stay the course confidently, as you build a community that resonates with your vision and values.

Prepare to transform your tribe-building journey from overwhelming to overachieving!

Here's What This Essential Bonus Includes:

  • Comprehensive GuidanceA structured checklist that aligns with "Tribe Secrets" and the "Tribe Method," leading you through every phase of tribe building.
  • Categorized Precision:Organized into main categories such as Tribe Narrative, Tribe Identity, Identity Shifting Experience, Behavioral Momentum, Tribe Hub, Tribe Bonding Triggers, and Building Better Together.
  • Cross-Referenced Learning: Each item on the checklist corresponds to a section in the book or training, providing deeper insights into each strategy.
  • Progress Tracking: Tick off each step as you complete it, ensuring a satisfying and tangible sense of progress as your tribe takes shape.

Bonus #3: Exclusive Video Tribe Branding Secrets - From “Me Brand” To “Tribe Mastery”

Secure your copy of "Tribe Secrets" now and gain exclusive access to a transformative video where I, alongside the Twins, decode the secrets of brand evolution.

Transformational Bonus:

Understand the critical distinctions between a 'Me Brand,' a 'Me Too Brand,' and a 'Tribe Brand,' and why mastering this knowledge is non-negotiable for your million-dollar success.
Experience the Revelation!

Why settle for a brand that's just another face in the crowd? This video will not just inform you-it will reform your approach to branding. Step into a new era where your business transcends traditional boundaries and becomes a movement.

And it's YOURS, Absolutely FREE!

Watch this video and elevate your brand from a solo act to a symphony of shared success.

Ready to revolutionize your brand identity and community impact?

Here's What This Game-Changing Bonus Offers:

  • Insider Knowledge: Join us as we dive deep into what makes each brand type tick, and why 'Tribe Branding' is the future.
  • Real-World Examples: Learn from vivid examples that illustrate the power and potential of a Tribe Brand, compared to 'Me' and 'Me Too' brands.
  • Mindset Shift: Witness a detailed breakdown that's designed to shift your perspective and strategy from self-centric to community-focused branding.
  • Strategic Insights: Absorb the wisdom that can pivot your approach to branding, positioning you to build a brand that's not just a business but a living, breathing community.

Bonus #4: Video Workshop Bonus: Proof Loop - The Ultimate Automated Testimonial System

Unlock the secret engine that powers our marketing success with this exclusive video workshop: "Proof Loop - The Ultimate Automated Testimonial System."

Transformative Bonus:

Dive into the core system that has skyrocketed our social proof, furnishing us with a treasure trove of compelling before and after shots and undeniable proof screenshots.

Witness the Power of Authentic Testimonials!

Why rely on chance for testimonials when you can have a proven, systematic approach? This isn't just a bonus; it's an invitation to overhaul your marketing with the power of authenticity.

And it's YOURS, Absolutely FREE!

Step into this video workshop and unleash a wave of testimonials that will not only convert prospects but also bolster retention from the start.

Ready to fuel your growth with a self-sustaining testimonial machine?

Here's What This Breakthrough Bonus Delivers:

  • Behind-the-Scenes Access: Peek over our shoulders as we reveal the nuts and bolts of setting up an automated system that gathers testimonials like clockwork.
  • Strategic Inquiry: Discover the specific questions we pose to extract powerful stories and persuasive evidence that turn browsers into buyers.
  • Loyalty Elevating Techniques: Learn how we raise our customers' status and sense of significance, cementing their loyalty while they willingly champion our brand.
  • System Swipe: Take our tried-and-tested system, tailor it to your tribe, and start accumulating an arsenal of testimonials that will draw a flood of new customers.

Bonus #5: Exclusive Tribe Method Insider's Circle - *For Tribe Builders only*

When you dive into "Tribe Secrets," you won't be alone. Embark on your journey with the Tribe Method Insider's Circle, our dedicated Facebook Group designed to support, inspire, and connect you with fellow Tribe Builders and Leaders.

This is our TRIBE!

Tribe-Driven Bonus:

Become part of an exclusive network where monthly LIVE Q&As, Facebook Lives, and a Tribe of like-minded individuals await to propel your tribe-building journey forward.

Your Tribe-Building Journey Amplified!

Why go it alone when you can grow with a tribe?

This bonus is more than a group; it's a launchpad for your success. Forge lasting connections that will see you through the highs and lows of building a tribe.

And it's YOURS, Absolutely FREE!

Join the Tribe Method Insider's Circle today and become a part of a community that's as invested in your success as you are.

Are you ready to supercharge your tribe-building with the power of community?

Here's Why This Bonus Is Invaluable:

  • Real-Time Support: Get your questions answered, struggles heard, and victories celebrated within a community that cares.
  • Monthly Interactive Sessions: Dive into LIVE Q&A sessions and Facebook Lives, gaining direct insights and advice from experts and peers alike.
  • Connection with Peers: Connect with other Tribe Builders and Leaders to exchange ideas, strategies, and encouragement.
  • Continuous Learning: Benefit from an ever-evolving space that grows with collective knowledge and shared experiences.

With "27 Tribe Secrets," You're Not Just Buying A Book-
You're Investing In A Blueprint For A Sustainable, Fulfilling Business Where Your Time Is Spent With Your Customers Not Chasing New Ones.

Imagine a business where every strategy you implement today blossoms into a legacy that lasts for decades. With "27 Tribe Secrets," this isn't just a dream-it's your actionable future.

In Just One Year:

  • You'll see the seeds of change with a 50% surge in daily engagement, transforming silent followers into vibrant conversationalists within your community.
  • Your members will cling to the value you provide, slashing churn rates and deepening their commitment to your vision.
  • And as your tribe thrives, watch your revenue climb by 30% or more as loyalty translates into financial wins.

5 Years Down the Line:

  • Your community doesn't just grow; it multiplies five-fold, retaining that close-knit, tribe-like intimacy that sets you apart.
  • You're not just running a community; you're leading a movement, the members are practically growing it for you.
  • Your solid brand loyalty with your members create ambassadors-they advocate, organically driving down customer acquisition costs through the power of word-of-mouth.

A Decade of Triumph:

  • You've not just built a business; you've created a living legacy. Your tribe is setting industry benchmarks for engagement and retention.
  • With a diversified portfolio inspired by the tribe's core values, you're not just meeting needs; you're anticipating them.
  • Your ecosystem thrives, fueled by member-driven initiatives, giving you the freedom to innovate without the constant pressure of value generation.

Unlock the Future of Your Business with "27 Tribe Secrets"

Start building your legacy today.

Here’s Our Unconditional Money Back Guarantee…

You either love 27 Tribe Secrets and use it to successfully build your tribe… or we’ll refund the $7.95 for the book.

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Don’t sit on your hands. This will transform your business or your money back.
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Here's EVERYTHING You Get When You Order Tribe Secrets Digital Book Today!

  • The Tribe Secrets Digital Book ($37.00 Value)
  • ​Tribe Architect Masterclass – The Multi-Million Dollar Membership Blueprint ($197.00 Value)
  • ​Ultimate Tribe Builder's Checklist ($27.00 Value)
  • ​Exclusive Video Brand Evolution Blueprint – From “Me Brand” To “Tribe Mastery” ($97.00 Value)
  • ​Proof Loop - The Ultimate Automated Testimonial System ($97.00 Value)
  • ​Exclusive Tribe Leaders Insider's Circle ($197.00 Value)

Total Value: $652.00

Get Everything Above For

Only $7.95!

  • Backed By Our 365 Day Money Back Guarantee Just For Trying It.

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Enjoy Unveiling "Tribe Secrets"!

P.S. If you're the type to skip right to the end-here's the gist:

Gain instant digital access to our revelatory book, "Tribe Secrets," for just a one-time payment of $7.95.

Dive into the pages where we divulge how to cultivate a lucrative, loyal tribe...

...employing the same strategies that have skyrocketed our Over 40 Alpha Brotherhood Membership and helped countless clients to foster their own thriving Tribe...

...and solidified their businesses with steady, high-value client engagement.

Why only $7.95
Because we are confident, you'll find the insights transformative, and perhaps, it'll be the first step towards working together to bring your Tribe vision to life.

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So, just say maybe. Click below and start your journey to building a Tribe that not only stays but grows with you. We believe it's the future of business and that you're going to love it.
Funk Roberts and The Twins!

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